Boglárka Author of articles

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4 Articles

Author's articles

  • Prostatitis is an inflammatory disease of the prostate. Among the serious consequences of this disease is erectile dysfunction. To recover from prostatitis, it is necessary, as soon as the first symptoms appear, to seek help from a urologist-andrologist.
    1 June 2021
  • 5 March 2020
  • The first signs and symptoms of prostatitis in men, as well as manifested prostatitis, excite a lot of men after 30 years. Unfortunately, the first symptoms of prostatitis in men, in particular, a mild, seldom viewed seriously.
    3 December 2019
  • What is prostatitis: causes, the first symptoms and methods of treatment. Symptoms of acute and chronic forms of prostatitis. What happens if you do not treat prostate cancer, and what preventive measures will help you prevent the disease?
    21 November 2019