The most effective means for treatment of prostatitis

To suppress the inflammatory process in prostatitis, it is important to use methods such as:

  1. Antibacterial medications.
  2. The Anti-inflammatories.
  3. Immunostimulants.
  4. Treatment treatment of prostatitis
  5. A course of physiotherapy.
  6. Therapy with the use of the means of folk medicine.
  7. The use of antidepressants and effective sedative drugs.

A comprehensive treatment of prostatitis allows you to get rid of all the possible reasons of the occurrence of the disease or factors that contribute to its further development.

Treatment treatment includes the use of anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory agents. If the prostatitis is bacterial in nature, patients are assigned antibiotics. Depending on the choice of the antibacterial agent sensitivity of microorganisms to drugs.

Today, urologists often recommend their patients macrolite. These modern substances can penetrate into the tissue of the affected organ. Function is is the lack of interaction with the microflora of the intestine and toxic effects on the body. The application time is 10 days. Antibacterial substances are used in chronic prostatitis.

Anti-inflammatory technique treatment of prostatitis involves the use of drugs, slowly spreading inflammation of the organ. The largest effect endowed with suppositories, which have a local anesthetic action.

Physiotherapy helps:

  1. Improve the movement of lymphatic circulation.
  2. Stimulation of the process of circulation.
  3. Restoration of metabolic processes in the gland.

For physical therapy, the following procedures shall apply:

  • Galvanization with the help of electric current.
  • Electro-stimulation.
  • UHF-therapy.
  • Magnetic therapy with the use of different magnetic fields.

Physiotherapy is applied in chronic prostatitis.

The basic kinds of resources used

With regard to the condition of the body urologist may recommend one of the following types of drugs:

  1. The candles, which are introduced into the body rectally, stimulate the metabolism.
  2. A sufficiently quick and effective penetration of drugs into the blood circulation is ensured by injection.
  3. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs do not develop inflammatory processes.
  4. Instillation. While the doctors injected the drug in the right place.
  5. Micro-enema – proven folk remedies. For this apply a warm decoctions of herbs for better treatment. Micro-enema given before bedtime, hypothermia, excessive tension of the prostate after such procedures, it is unacceptable.
  6. Common tablets have a fairly extensive spectrum of activity, often with the use of antibacterial agents. This is especially true in situations where they are activators of the disease have failed so far to determine.
  7. Pain medication greatly facilitate the life of people. But before applying must clarify the dosage of the drug.
  8. Alpha-blockers can slow down your alpha-adrenergic receptors in the body.
  9. A similar effect have muscle relaxers, only acting in the crotch area, which during prostatitis always in increase in the tone. The impact on the area of the small pelvis significantly worsening, reduces pain.
  10. Preparations for stimulating blood circulation, important in all types of diseases and contribute to the restoration of the tissues of the problem organs. For this reason, it is a comprehensive treatment requires the use of drugs, stimulates the process of circulation.

All drugs have certain characteristics and are recommended for use not all categories of patients. The greatest efficiency has a drug that the doctor selects the patient individually.